Muslims Must Speak Out against Terrorism

11:47 - October 07, 2014
News ID: 1457504
It is time for Muslims to speak out against the barbarians who have hijacked their religion to justify terrorism, violence and death.


Whether it's al-Qaeda, ISIL, al-Shabab or Boko Haram, most of these groups claim to be composed of Muslims seeking a return to what they consider the right kind of Islam or revenge for wrongs committed against Muslims. They recruit followers through promising earthly and heavenly rewards for fighting for Islam.
Now there's finally a trickle of Muslims speaking up against these terrorist groups and questioning why Muslims have been slow to publicly condemn their actions.
Among them is Yasmine Bahrani, a professor of journalism at American University in Dubai. She wrote an article in The Washington Post recently stating she doesn't understand why Muslims have not done this.
Bahrani says that being from the same faith as terrorist groups, they have greater responsibility to condemn the terrorists and to explain to non-Muslims that this extremism is not Islam. She notes some Muslims have spoken out, including some clerics who condemned ISIL actions, saying they violate Sharia law.
Muslims often respond to her calls by saying the groups are not what Islam represents so they don't have to condemn them. But because they are Muslims, non-Muslims start to see all Muslims as terrorists.
As Bahrani wrote, "Today say the word 'Islam' and few think of the glories of our history and culture. Rather, they picture masked men with knives. And as long as our condemnations remain tepid, we give the impression that we accept the crimes of murderers."
For Muslims not to reject ISIL and groups like it is to allow them to become the face of Islam. If Muslims worldwide speak against the terrorists, they would no longer be able to draw on the financial and political support that's made their reign of terror possible.
Source: SCTimes

Tags: muslim ، Speak ، out ، against ، terrorism ، isis